Lee White w Bydgoszczy!!!!!

Niesamowity, jeden z najbardziej cenionych na świecie improwizatorów zagra u nas!

Kanadyjski improwizator zaprezentuje swój kultowy show, w który zaangażuje widzów. Zaangażuje, to mało powiedziane... Zagra z nimi spektakl! Uczyni z nich wybornych improwizatorów i stworzy z nimi na scenie cudowne historie. To wszystko bez planu, bez scenariusza, tu i teraz, na naszych oczach...

Spokojnie! Nikt do niczego nie będzie zmuszany. Zagrają chętni. A rozkoszować się tym najwyżej klasy impro będziemy wszyscy.

Spektakl w języku angielskim.

"Your 15 Minutes of Fame" - Legendary Canadian Freestyle Comedy

An improv night with you as the star! Lee White invites audience members who have no stage experience to join him on stage. This show is an inspiration for the spectators to try something new and be rewarded for taking risks. The result is always moving and surprising, for both the observers and those who dare to get up there. Its just magical to watch people who think they can’t do something try and succeed.

Lee guides them through improvised scenes on stage, proving his special gift for letting his partners shine in a funny, touching and alway unique show.

Your 15 minutes of fame“ is very much inspired and influenced by the work of "Theatre X" and Stephen McIntyre in Winnipeg, Canada.